Making it easy to build full-stack serverless apps
Serverless Stack (SST) is an open-source serverless application platform that deploys to your AWS account, helping you go from idea to IPO.
Live Lambda Development
Work on your local Lambda functions live, without mocking or redeploying your app.
Breakpoint debugging
Use Visual Studio code and set breakpoints to debug your Lambda functions.
Composable serverless constructs
Higher-level CDK constructs made specifically for building serverless apps.
Build full-stack apps
Quick start examples to help you build the type of Serverless Stack app you want. View all the examples
Create a serverless REST API on AWS using the SST Api construct to define our routes and functions.
View exampleCase Studies
Making it easy to build full-stack serverless apps
I can vouch for it as a fantastic way to easily chuck some serverless functions into the world
Uses CDK and a Websocket proxy to be able to use the real AWS resources. Deploy remotely, test locally. It's pretty good.
I created a #ssr catalogue with #webpack #react and lambda debugging in sec any part of the application š
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Serverless Stack Guide
The most widely read resource for building full-stack apps using serverless and React on AWS.
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The Basics
Build your first serverless app using AWS Lambda and React.
Set up your AWS account
Setting up an SST app
Create your AWS resources
Building a serverless API
Users and authentication
Working with secrets
Serverless unit tests
CORS in serverless
Setting up a React app
Routes in React
Adding auth to a React app
Building a React app
Securing React pages
Using Custom Domains
Automating serverless deployments
Monitoring and debugging
Best Practices
The best practices for running serverless apps in production.
Organize a serverless app
Manage environments
- Environments in serverless apps
- Structure environments across AWS accounts
- Manage AWS accounts using AWS Organizations
- Parameterize serverless resources names
- Deploying to multiple AWS accounts
- Manage environment related config
- Storing secrets in serverless apps
- Share Route 53 domains across AWS accounts
- Monitor usage for environments
Development lifecycle
Serverless Framework
Building a CRUD API with Serverless Framework.
Extra Credit
Standalone chapters on specific topics for reference.
- What is IAM
- What is an ARN
- What is AWS AppSync
- Cognito user pool vs identity pool
- API Gateway and Lambda Logs
- Debugging serverless API Issues
- Serverless environment variables
- Stages in Serverless Framework
- Backups in DynamoDB
- Configure multiple AWS profiles
- Customize the serverless IAM Policy
- Mapping Cognito Identity Id and User Pool Id
- Connect to API Gateway with IAM auth
- Serverless Node.js Starter
- Set custom domains through Seed
- Using AWS CDK with Serverless Framework
- Package Lambdas with serverless-bundle
- Dynamically generate social share images with serverless
- Using Lerna and Yarn Workspaces with serverless